Ep. 3.9: Climate, Spirit, and Remembering Who We Are
Rev. Mariama White-Hammond speaks on the spiritual nature of climate change, the need for finding joy in the natural world, and discerning what is ours to do.
Delicious Eats
Enjoy the best of summer cherry tomatoes with this bruschetta recipe.
Clickable Links
Click on to learn about Rev. Mariama White-Hammond’s speaking engagements and racial bridge-building work
Two excellent climate justice organizations we’re excited about (among so many!) - Sunrisemovement.org and Boston-based Mothers Out Front (we mentioned our friend Yani Burgos, who is a former organizer for MOF)
Check out the article by Deepa Iyer we referenced about gifts & the social change ecosystem. What roles do you play?
Fantastic Reads
The Sabbath: Its Meaning for Modern Man by Abraham Joshua Heschel
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate by Naomi Klein