Ep. 4.12: Tilling Land, Tilling Justice

Eva speaks with Rev. Yvette Blair-Lavallais about her work at the intersection of food, land displacement & gentrification, and theology/the church.


Please pardon about 3 minutes of static-y audio midway through the episode. (Sometimes our software doesn’t catch everything!)


Rev. Blair-Lavallais’ mother’s salmon croquettes:

Tonnette’s Salmon Croquettes & Rice

This is one of my favorite meals that my mom, Tonnette, prepared often. It was always made with love. This is a “handmade” meal that reminds me how God lovingly shapes and forms us. 

Gather these ingredients:

1 can (14.74 ounce) of Honey Boy salmon, drained and flaked

1 large egg lightly beaten

1 small diced onion

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon black pepper

Half cup of breadcrumbs or smashed saltine crackers

Canola oil

Drain the salmon and use a fork to flake the pieces. In a medium-sized mixing bowl, combine the salmon, egg, diced onion, salt, pepper and breadcrumbs. Use a fork to fold the ingredients into a not too tight consistency. 

Next, use your hands to gather a small part of the mixture and began to shape it and form it, rotating and patting it from hand to hand two times. Do this until you have about six small salmon patties. 

Make sure your skillet is hot (medium heat). Coat the skillet with canola oil, preferably about half a cup, to cover the bottom of the skillet completely.  Place the salmon patties in the skillet (about two or three at a time) into the hot oil and cook until golden brown, turning once, so that both sides have the same crispness and golden color. 

Remove the salmon patties and drain on a paper towel. 

Prepare Uncle Ben’s or Success Rice according to the package instructions. Pair it with the salmon patties and enjoy! 


Check out Rev. Blair-Lavallais’ many writings and pursuits on her website: https://yvetteblair.com/. Also check out this  link to the Blavity piece that she wrote on food apartheid.

Check out the Memphis Theological Seminary DMin program in Land, Food & Faith: https://memphisseminary.edu/landfoodfaith/

One of many articles on the Black Church Food Security Network (also check out their Facebook page): https://sojo.net/media/black-church-food-security-network.

Green Leaf Learning Farm in Memphis


Read more about Karen Washington and the term “food apartheid” at https://www.guernicamag.com/karen-washington-its-not-a-food-desert-its-food-apartheid/.

SoulFire Farm’s Leah Penniman wrote an incredible book called Farming While Black. http://www.soulfirefarm.org/media/farming-while-black/

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